We finally accomplished the FIRST BATH (at 7 weeks old!!!)
If he were going to school, Blake may have been the "Stinky Kid"
LOL....very different with numero dos:)

Current Stats and Haps
*Lane will be 2 in a little over a month.
*He's talking up a storm and amazing us with his vocab everday
*Just a tad shy of being able to ride the ferris wheel inside Scheels! He looks like a 3 year old!!!
*Blake is going on 10 weeks old this week
*At 2 month check up measured a ridiculous 25.5 inches long and 12.8 lbs.
*At 2 month check up measured a ridiculous 25.5 inches long and 12.8 lbs.
*Already into 6 month clothes
*Smiling like crazy and wanting so badly to talk