Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Where to begin...?

March has been busy, busy, busy. Not only did I celebrate my 4 month birthday, daddy and I got the entire gang together at an enormous bounce house warehouse, to surprise mommy for her big 3...0! She was sooooo excited. I think she forgot that evening who was the kid in the family. But acting like a child at 30 (or older) doesn't go without repercussions. Mommy acquired an almost black eye from Uncle Larry in the jousting arena and what she thought to be a broken toe from some point in the first 40 minutes of bouncing. Grandma Carole tore cartilage in her knee while trying to race someone through the squishy obstacle course! Yeah...I know...CHILDREN! But all are okay and have been healing well. No surgery required. I had such a fun time watching everyone that I forgot to take a nap. I stayed awake through it all and partied like a true rock star! Must admit, I was feeling it the next morning...I had to squeeze in an extra nap or two:)
Happy 30th Mommy!
I haven't seen that nursing bra before?
Go Grandma! GO!

Excuse the jammies folks...mommy thought I was just going to grandmas
and didn't know I should be in party attire.
Believe it or not, that's papa's feet you see.
He's hustling to beat someone through the obstacle course.
Mommy and Uncle Larry...still smiling even after the eye incident
Mommy and Daddy look silly
Auntie Cris giving daddy a beating

Okay, enough about mommy being a year about me being a month older??? I can't believe how big I am getting. Mommy, once again cleaned out my closet and tore off the tags of my 3-6 month outfits...though the 6 months ones fit me the best. At my checkup I weighed in at 13.8 lbs and measured a towering 26.25 inches! Yep...Long string bean. That's me. I grew 2.25 inches in 2 months...that's just craziness. And what's up with those stupid shots??? OUCH! But I handled them like a big boy, mommy and daddy were so impressed with me. I just can't wait to get older so I can go for this ice cream stuff they keep talking about when I get my shots.

Last week I had a bit of an upset tummy, but only in the evening after dinner which mom thought was strange. Whatever it was, I managed to give the bug to mommy, both my papa's, and grandma Carole. They were dropping like flies...but I feel better! Daddy thought he may be getting it, but mommy and me have been doing our best to help him stay healthy.

Okay everyone, that's my in a nutshell update. Hope you like all the pics...and that you don't get my bug just by reading this:)

Love, Lane
"The Family Jewels"
I love my carrots!!!
And my feet...they taste so similar!
Holding my bottle all by myself...Mr. Independent
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!
Mommy just can't get enough of me!
Today Miss Berta painted my feet so I could make a rainbow!
We have so much fun at school!

When we got home, mommy put her tennies on and gave me my first pair of shades.

We took Hagen on a long is such a beautiful day. Now watch it snow tomorrow...