Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat Smell My Feet

Gimme all your candy!!!
The hero fireman and his trusty dalmatian sidekick

Lane had a ball ringing the doorbells!

We've got some serious business to conduct this evening

Blake's first halloween and mommy's first attempt
at sewing a many dots!!!

Lane carried on a complete conversation with
his new buddy.

Lane called gramma while dad was busy carving
crying "I want a knife."

3 months old and putting everything in his mouth

and rolling over the hard way...back to tummy!
(still working on the easier one)
I swear he'd be crawling if it wasn't for the slick mat...
he's really got the inching down!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brother Bath Time

We finally accomplished the FIRST BATH (at 7 weeks old!!!)
If he were going to school, Blake may have been the "Stinky Kid"
LOL....very different with numero dos:)

Big Brother splashes a bit too much to share a bath just yet, but he loves his little B!
Current Stats and Haps
*Lane will be 2 in a little over a month.
*He's talking up a storm and amazing us with his vocab everday
*Just a tad shy of being able to ride the ferris wheel inside Scheels! He looks like a 3 year old!!!
*Blake is going on 10 weeks old this week
*At 2 month check up measured a ridiculous 25.5 inches long and 12.8 lbs.
*Already into 6 month clothes
*Smiling like crazy and wanting so badly to talk

Monday, July 26, 2010


It's true. I am now officially out numbered in my own home...even the dog is male (I think we need a new dog...LOL)
Baby Blake arrived as scheduled July 21st, at 9:06 in the morning. Weighing in at 8.1lbs. and 21 inches long. The C-Section was textbook and the healing process is going fantastic. Have had plenty of help from the hubby and grandparents, which makes my life a piece of cake...I feel useless and hate it to be honest. Lane LOVES his little bro! He can't give him enough hugs and kisses. He always enters the room saying "Blake. Baby Blake. Brother...Kisses" It's too cute. Looking down at Blake for the first time, we could all swear he and Lane are twins, just separated 20+ months:) The only difference is Blake's hair isn't as crazy as Lane's was (and still is) and is a tad bit darker. Blake also had a cute little quirk to one of his ears. They are both too stink'n cute! Okay...on to the good stuff and what you're all waiting for!
Let's do this!

Mommy's feeling great!

It's a BOY!

My Big Brother enjoying mommy's celebratory cupcake

My Big Brother Kisses

Going for a walk with the boys. Mommy's coming too,

she's just moving a little slow.

Daddy getting me ready to head home...FINALLY!My funny big brotherAnd brand new ME!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where has the time gone...?

This update is long overdue (I can just picture you all nodding your heads in agreement). Lane is growing at an alarming rate and doing great. We've recently been trying to transition him into his Big Boy Bed, which he loves...and loves to get out of just as much. I would say we average a once a week sleep in the BB Bed. His vocabulary is ridiculous. His most recent favorite words are delicious and gorgeous. And he's counting to three easily and sometimes 5 when he feels like showing off:)
Cashew will be arriving in a very short 2 weeks (Lane was Peanut...this unknown gender baby is known as Cashew). All is going well, just exhausted. Found out that my platelet count is low, so had to run another test to be sure. If continues to stay on the low side, it will affect how they administer my anesthesia during my fun.
Okay. Enough of the gab onto what you really came to see....THE PICTURES!!!
Riding the Ponies with Dad in March

Helping out DaddyMMM...ThirstyMom has an intersting way of applying sunblockHiking to the falls...mommy looks a little bloated
from last nights dinner still! Look! No Feet!!! VROOOOOOM!I love my two-wheeler!