Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Saturday Morning Excitement

...No...we haven't welcomed Lane into the world...yet...

It was nature that had my eye for a good hour and a half Saturday morning.

While poking my head out the backdoor to check that the dog wasn't getting himself into any trouble, something caught my eye in the pond (which is just between our house and the 6th tee box on the golf course).

Take a look at the photo. Do you see it? Here...take a closer look... Yes! A deer...well, a buck, to be gender correct.

Young and handsome, with two points on his antlers...not quite ready for the mantle (if you're into that sort of thing), but beautiful regardless.
I sat and watched him for a few minutes to see how he was going to go about getting himself out of the chilly situation he got himself into....but nothing. So I figured I would call up the golf course and report my sighting, which I think the guy thought I was delirious. I must have repeated myself three times before it sunk in that they have a deer taking up residence in their pond. And to kill two birds with one stone, I also made a tee time for Shane and the Dads to golf on Halloween, which was on my to-do list anyhow. So after a look from afar by a representative of the course...and a call on the cell to report that the lady who called in was not delirious and there was in fact a buck in the pond...well...that was all actually. Not even an attempt to spook the deer and get him inspired to start swimming for shore.
Being that I was outside with the camera, and completely captivated by this animal, I decided to take in some other sights that surrounded me that I could share with you.

Nature was out in full force this a.m.

A group (or is it a flock) of quail munching on the seeds and teeny bugs and whatever else they munch on.

An adorable yellow finch nibbling on one of the many wild flowers we have growing on our fence line. I know my grandmothers have told me numerous times the name of this flower, but I have failed them and cannot recall. And lastly, before I get back to the buck stranded in the pond...a four legged scavenger, whom took a glance at the supposedly 'trapped' young buck. But this coyote, unlike me, didn't want to waste his time waiting around to see if this silly deer would come to the realization that hey...I can swim! So I guess the golf course decided they were not qualified to deal with such a whom better to call to the rescue than Nevada's finest...Fish and Game Services. By this time Shane had made it home from work and we, along with my father-in-law watched intrigued as we saw the two approach with a lasso in hand. We truly wanted to see them lasso this buck and 'lead' him to safety...because we all now how deer are known for their obedience on a leash. If the lasso was to be involved, especially from that height...we knew for sure someone was going swimming. Which leads to why I have so many pictures....I didn't want to miss a moment and the possibility of having the $10,000 entry for America's Funniest Home Videos. such luck at capturing a hilarious moment...the buck heard the man making his way around him and wanted no part of it.
He sprung from the ledge he had clung to for more than an hour and put his legs to work.

He could swim! AMAZING isn't it??? Silly deer...maybe he suffers from low self-esteem or wished his mom hadn't taken away his floaties so soon.

Almost there buddy and you're free! Going...
Gone.I kept an eye on this guy for almost 2 hours Saturday morning. Who knows how long he was in that water. Some of you may think I am crazy for having invested so much time...but I like to think of it as one of my wonderful characteristics that makes
Before I go, a quick update on our little Lane.
No centimeters have I gained.
Nor softened cervix have I obtained.
I am just a fingertip and have been for 3 weeks now.
Who knows when this kid will arrive and take his bow.
They say he has hair
and is well endowed...
for that his father is very proud!


Huse Yo Mama said...

Girl, you're a regular National Geographic photographer!

Love the Lane poem!!!

Lexie said...

Wow, you could be a poet/photographer for Wildlife magazine :) I bet they are in high demand for that market :)

I spent over an hour watchign a deer (who was not stranded) in our backyard last year.