Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where has the time gone...?

This update is long overdue (I can just picture you all nodding your heads in agreement). Lane is growing at an alarming rate and doing great. We've recently been trying to transition him into his Big Boy Bed, which he loves...and loves to get out of just as much. I would say we average a once a week sleep in the BB Bed. His vocabulary is ridiculous. His most recent favorite words are delicious and gorgeous. And he's counting to three easily and sometimes 5 when he feels like showing off:)
Cashew will be arriving in a very short 2 weeks (Lane was Peanut...this unknown gender baby is known as Cashew). All is going well, just exhausted. Found out that my platelet count is low, so had to run another test to be sure. If continues to stay on the low side, it will affect how they administer my anesthesia during my Csection...fun fun.
Okay. Enough of the gab onto what you really came to see....THE PICTURES!!!
Riding the Ponies with Dad in March

Helping out DaddyMMM...ThirstyMom has an intersting way of applying sunblockHiking to the falls...mommy looks a little bloated
from last nights dinner still! Look! No Feet!!! VROOOOOOM!I love my two-wheeler!


KDoug said...

LOVE IT!!!! He is so precious. Such a beautiful baby boy. Thanks for FINALLY updating your blob and showing us pictures. Love you!

Madison and Mia's Mommy said...

Finally!!!! Lane is just precious. I must say EIJAK makes some good looking kids. ;o)
Please keep me posted on the platelet count. How low is it? Lowest level should be about 150.
Hugs n Kisses. Talk to you soon.
Love you! xoxo

Mixed Up Chromosomes said...

It's been a while! I'm due with #2 on 7/22 and am so ready to get this baby out!!! We're not finding what we're having either and can't wait to meet this baby. Send me an email so I can add you to my blog, I've made it private and cant' find your email...hope all is going well and congrats!