Friday, December 5, 2008

It's Exhausting Getting Old

Can you believe our little guy is 1 month old already?

Lane went on his first Christmas Tree Hunting adventure today and it was so exciting, he couldn't help but snooze through the entire experience.

It began with a 45 minute drive up to the mountains, followed by a 30 minute drive into the mountains where the trees stood tall, practically begging to be chopped down.

Lane rode silently the entire trip up in his car seat, while Hagen (the dog) did just the opposite. That dog whimpered and whined the whole drive up. Which isn't all that out of the norm for him, but made for a long car ride for Shane and I.
When we reached our destination, we all got out to take a look at a nearby tree and Hagen didn't waste a second. He went right to his business and continued on doing so until 1 and 2 were out of his system. Maybe that's what all the whining throughout the trip up was all about. Oops.
Following in Hagen's lead, Shane and I both took separate sides of the truck in an attempt to make yellow snow...which would have been successful had there been any snow.
Lane was successful at making something yellow...his diaper was quite the sight!
He had his first changing on the bed of the truck.
We also had to put him in his mumphy X-mas tree hunting outfit!
So warm and cozy.
Show me those happy to be hunting smiles boys
Strapped in to the 'Baby Bjorn' and ready to hike!
This thing rocks...I may strap it on while at the house:)
After wandering about, we found our tree just off the beaten path.

Lane was very excited about our tree choice

Hagen keeping a lookout while dad saws away (by hand...what a man) We had been offered a chainsaw to use, but declined. After sawing for 20 minutes, Shane wished he hadn't.

Lane just couldn't control his excitement

After the tree was loaded and we began our decent down the mountain we had to wake Lane to eat being that he had slept for the past 4 hours and it was meal time. Just after the 4.5 oz of formula made it safely into his tummy and stayed, I felt a rumble along my leg. We all know what that means. Upon reaching the main road, I checked to see if a changing we necessary. We had a blowout! Right there in the front seat on mom's lap, in his mumphy x-mas tree hunting outfit. I handed him off to dad to do the dirty work:) We can definitely say the truck was christened today:)


Lexie said...

Now thats and adventure! Lane clearly was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, hence the blowout. Like you said, the pictures show his excitement!

Although he hasn't mastered the art of the handsaw like his daddy, I would say that Lane seems to be on the right road to being a man's man... I mean, he is sleeping through anything, waking to eat and bathroom :)

And, Angie, you are clearly the envy of mothers everywhere as you look absolutely fabulous!

Mrs. B said...

We had such a great time out and about yesterday...being one with nature and all:) Brought the tree in just a bit ago and it looks fabulous! I also have Lane strapped to me once again (I said I would)so I can get some things done around the house...he was being a fussy anger ball.

Thanks so much for the wonderful compliment. I do feel pretty good, though I have a ways to go.

Lexie said...

I was never good at wearing Lexie at first because she didn't really like it. But I have another one that I got when she was older that she was a bigger fan of, so I will probably use that with Lexie...

Do some squats while you are wearing him and you will REALLY be good to go! If you have a ways to go, you could sure fool me :)

KDoug said...

That is hysterical. Your outing is crazy - you guys are so nature oriented. I don't even have a tree up period. Why bother - we're headed to Florida. It will just be another "no ma'am."

Love the pics of Lane. He is precious. And, boy excited!

You look fabulous Ang. Way to go. You look amazing. I'm jealous.