As I type this entry, I struggle to keep my eyes from falling shut. Pure exhaustion has overcome my entire body and I must succumb...but before I do, a belly picture I must post.
Kelly and Eylin, these are for you... Picture outside at mom and dad's was taken about 3 weeks ago and the other is from last night (26 weeks and counting) hanging out in Lane's room.
By the way, if you haven't taken notice to the time on my blog entry, it's only 12:30
and that's pm not am.
I guess the past few days have caught up to the mommy I'm becoming:)
Oh. And one more thing. I cannot find the green that I want for Lane's jungle theme! I'm about to mix these two greens together and make my own. Because I think that with the right adjustment darker in the lighter one or lighter in the darker one, the color will be just what I envision!And looking at the samples I painted, through the lens I would say the lighter, but in person not so much. It's on the yellow side of green and it just wont work. You know...possibly the color I may see while changing Lane's diaper one day.
Hey Ang!
I am sick because I am pregnant again, but have a severe case of hyperemesis this time around, so I have lost over 20 pounds. I was sick with Lexie, but not this sick. I am just under 15 weeks. The track marks are from all the IVs.
It is so good to hear from you! I will have to spend some time checking out your blog tomorrow so I can be all filled in.
I love the name Lane. Actually if we have a girl, it will be Delaney, but we will call her Laney. (I know, Lexie and Laney sounds cheesy.)
And you totally look fab!
Can't wait to get updated on everything!
Hey lady...I mean mamma! Congrats on baby on the way:) That is so great. How old is Lexie now? She look to be 2 give or take...? I think you have the age inbetween worked out perfectly. Was that planned from the start or just happen that way? Funny you are leaning towards the names with Lane, because when the time comes for us to have a second and if it happens to be a girl, I've been thinking Lexi would be a great name for Lane's little sis:) Gotta get through this one first though:) I have a feeling deep in my gut that since Shane is an only child, he will probably give us all boys...;)
Sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having to face right now. It sounds tiring going through what you are. Your a strong women Becs and I can't help but think of Ale House Chicken Nachos to help put that 20lbs back on when your ready!
i think i emailed you. it was the email linked to your blog.
Hi Angie! Congrats on the pregnancy! I saw the link off of Bec's blog. I am in my 34th week and am so excited for you! You look great and I'm jealous that you've got already got your nursary underway. We still have to put the crib together!
dang, everyone is pregnant! I love your pictures, you are way too cute!
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